Foundations of Execution
Your Bullshit-Free Guide to Accomplishing Absolutely Anything

Your Goals are Just a Click Away.
Okay, that's a bit of an exaggeration. There's still a lot of work to do, but let's start by understanding the steps you need to take to accomplish your professional, personal, or creative goals.
(Note: A Kindle copy is included free with paperback purchase.)
About the Book
You're ambitious. You're driven. You're creative, believe in your vision, and know what you're capable of. But like most, you often find it difficult to make progress toward the things you value.
When it comes to accomplishing personal, professional, entrepreneurial, and creative goals, the world is bombarding you with bullshit guidance — coddling mantras of positivity and motivation devoid of practical action. Bullshit sounds good. Bullshit feels good. But bullshit will fail you in the long run nearly 100% of the time.
No more bullshit.
Let's change tactics. Foundations of Execution won’t motivate you; it will give you the tools you need to execute despite the lack of motivation that will inevitably befall you. It won’t train you to abstain from excuses; it will give you the tools to strip all power from the excuses that will inevitably bubble to the forefront of your consciousness. It won’t argue the same tired case for self-discipline and convince you to work against your nature; it will show you how to circumvent your nature when it undermines your interests.
As shockingly simple as it may seem, three behaviors tend to separate those who struggle from those who consistently execute on their goals; and by the time you’ve finished reading this book, you’ll have mastered all three. You’ll come away with repeatable habits that address not just how you tackle complex undertakings, but also how you think, behave, and approach problems in all aspects of your life. It’s an irreverent, philosophy-first, whole-self approach to execution that will change you forever.
(Note: A Kindle copy is included free with paperback purchase.)
Hear a bit about the book’s origin (in an excerpt from The Capital Hacking Podcast)
Foundations of Execution is an exploration of Execution Strategy, which has been a big focus of my career.
My goal in writing Foundations of Execution was simple: In reading it, you should come away with all the knowledge and resources you need to execute on any goal or undertaking — no matter how ambitious, long-term, or complex.
As you make your way through the book, you’ll come across several exercises that require you to answer questions, refine broad goals, identify chunks of time in your calendar, select individuals for your support network, and more. I’ve created a series of worksheets to compliment to the book and give you a space to concisely collect your thoughts, strategize, and implement the tactics you learn.
Let’s Talk.
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