Speaking & Events
I love talks that change me on a fundamental level. Irreverent, honest talks that address the true meanings behind our actions and the real ways to accomplish the things we want to accomplish. Talks that help me question and refine my values in ways I hadn't considered. Talks that make me laugh.
I love talks that stick with me for years.
This is exactly what I strive to create.
From students to seasoned professionals—from creatives to business leaders to individuals searching for their own voices—I find immense satisfaction in the challenge of crafting the perfect talk for the specific group or audience with whom I'm engaging and feeling the room burst with contagious enthusiasm.
With a focus on creativity, curiosity, goal execution, brand intentionality, storytelling, and leadership — and drawing from diverse experiences across a range of industries — I’ve addressed audiences at conferences, universities, TEDx events, and major companies across the world.

"Matthew's ability to connect with a diverse room full of people speaks directly to the focus of much of his work: the audience themselves. And it's that focus on the audience that allows Matthew's message to resonate with individuals from corporate and creative settings, from boardrooms to classrooms, for one simple reason — his is a message of self-focus and self-empowerment and all about becoming a better version of yourself, whoever you are."